Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Dummies Guide to Vitamix Juicing

Oh, I mean Michelle's Guide. Hee hee

So I had my first experience using my Vitamix to make my juice instead of my trusty juicer. It worked great and I thought I would post some tips I picked up.

1. Wash your hands- I know, duh. I told you it was the Dummies' guide. But I had to get it in there. You will be using your hands A LOT so get them nice and clean before beginning.

2. Follow the instructions on -OK, I know this is also obvious but the first time I tried it I didn't follow the instructions and it didn't work so well. You have to do the celery first just like it says. Trust me.

3. Wear short sleeves- I had on a sweater and I pushed the sleeves up. They kept falling down, I kept pushing up. What a pain especially when your hands are green.

4. Wear an apron - Yes, I had my trusty kitchen apron on and I am so glad because when I finished I was able to admire the green splotches that were all over it and not on my clothes.

5. Put on some happy music - anything that uplifts you and makes you feel good will be so fun.

6. Stop the blender when pushing down the ingredients if you don't have the proper plunger - Ha, mine is broken so I decided to use my wooden spatula that I have. I kept opening up the lid and pushing my greens down while it was running. Big mistake. MY VITAMIX ATE MY SPATULA! Not fun. I had to sacrifice my nutmilk bag to get the juice out. I couldn't throw it away so I strained it but the big chunks of wood kind of ruined my bag. So there you go. Stop the blender to push your food down.

7. Love your juice - I am taking a tip from Anthony the Raw Model in this post. Here is an excerpt from the post:
I now make it a point to massage my salads for 5 minutes before I eat them,and while doing so, I say thanks for all the wonderful people Ive been blessed to cross paths with. I think about synchronicities , and how I love to experience each one of excited I get to see little signposts pop up in life.

By doing this, I feel that I'm putting positive energy and love into my food.Maybe this sounds goofy, but let me assure you, its the best way to make a salad.

Try it.
OK, I will. And you can too.

Once you put the pulp in the nutmilk bag and you begin to squeeze it try sending some positive energy into it. Thank it for helping you clean your body and for giving you life. Think positive thoughts and send it into your juice.

When I was doing mine I started singing, "I love juice in the morning, I love juice in the evening." I was dancing around and loving that juice! Then my wedding song At Last by Etta James came on and wow, bring on the love! I was really loving that juice then.

I am telling you that not only will this change the structure of you juice just like it did in The Hidden Messages in Water by Masaru Emoto but it will uplift you and make you feel good. Remember, this is the day I was feeling horrible and the only time I felt good for the whole day was when I was loving my juice.

8. Be prepared for some splatters - I was wiping up the walls, the cabinets, the sink, counters and later I noticed green spots on my windows. It kind of reminded me of the Cat in The Hat by Dr. Seuss where the spot just keeps getting bigger and bigger and takes over the whole house and into the yard and... Oh, sorry, I got carried away. Well anyway, there might be splatters. :o)

9. Make sure you have extra nutmilk bags at all times. I don't know what I would have done with my little disaster I told you about in number 6 if I didn't have another bag. Trust me, these bags are not that . You will get holes so stock up.

Speaking of these bags. I get mine at the hardware store. I get paint straining bags that cost next to nothing. Cheaper, easier and no shipping. You might want to try it.

10. OK, my last tip. While you are making your juice take the opportunity to drink some water. Fill up and help your body with its cleansing job.

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