Juices in order of consumption
1 quart orange, celery, spinach
1 quart romaine, pear, kiwi, lemon
1 quart Romaine, carrot, cilantro, garlic, kelp
Starting 173.5
Today 151
Total 22.5
7.5 hours
Chanca Piedra
B5 morning and evening
Enzymes with each juice
Colon Cleanse
1 hour yoga - I taped it on the Veria Channel. It was pretty good.
My body felt very stiff and sore from the yoga yesterday. That is why I decided to do it again. I wanted to stretch and get my body moving. I am still so sore I can hardly move. I guess my body needed the exercise. Other than that I feel pretty good. I wish I was having more action in the bowel department. I am now taking 5 of those colon cleanse pills each day and I am still not feeling right. What I wouldn't do for some flax crackers to just push everything out.
Positive changes
Skin is smooth but I noticed today that my skin is still very dry on my legs. I mean desert floor dry. I haven't noticed because I was putting oil on them everyday and I didn't do it for a couple of days and the flaky, white, dry skin is back.
Losing weight
I look better
I have a lot of energy
Tongue is coated
red bumps on legs popping up
Still have bumps on arms
mucus in nose and throat
I am so happy today. I feel so good. I want to run around and jump and dance and sing and... everything! I feel like I am walking around smiling all day long. I am listening to music and dancing around the kitchen. Did I mention that I am so happy?!
Trash Bag Tango
I did a brief meditation after yoga and I pulled this card from my Journey deck:
Physical Health
Your body is the sacred vessel you've been given to experience life, so honour it, cherish it, nourish it. This card invites you to attend to your body's health and well being in some way. Perhaps you need more rest or meditation, more nourishing food or more exercise. This card may also be an invitation to undergo a Physical Journey process to clear out cell memories and emotional patterns.
Take some long deep breaths in and out. Feel yourself growing spacious and still, and let your awareness go to a place of stress or tensions inside your body. If it had words, what might it be saying? Be still and listen. How do the words make you feel? Be open to what your body is communicating. Surround the feeling with your own love. Open deeper and ask again. Your body is so grateful for any attention you give it. It will respond easily to your loving care.
I took my son to the doctor today for his hurt finger. The x-ray is showing something is wrong with the knuckle in the hand but the doctors couldn't read it. It looks like the bone is jammed together. All the other bones have a space between them but this one didn't. They have to wait for the radiologist to read it on Monday. Until then he has a big splint and can't play anything. I hope it heals quickly!
While I was there the nurse asked if I was his mom and when I said yes she said I looked too young to be his mom. She said she thought I was his older sister. Woo Hoo!!!!! That felt good. People have been saying things like that to my mom for years, in fact they used to ask her if my children were hers and she would say yes! Now I know how good it feels.
Lately I have been spending my surplus of energy on trying to get my future planned out. Next year my youngest son goes to 1st grade and I will have the entire day to myself. I would like to be doing something to make some $$$$. I have put out a few feelers for things and I am waiting to hear back. It's strange, I am not hearing back from about 3-4 different things that I sent emails about including the soccer place for my husband's birthday and the message I left at the school regarding that shooting rumor. I am being tested and so far I am passing. Normally I am a very impatient person and get aggravated. Not today.
I am going to be without my computer for the entire day and night tomorrow. I don't even know what I am going to do. I probably won't be able to post since I won't have it. So everyone have a wonderful weekend and stay juicy!