Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Day 21

Photo by Dalboz17 on Flickr

Juices, Supplements etc. in order of consumption
1 quart spinach, orange, celery

1 quart celery, kale, spinach, cucumber, pear, mint
Tasted awful. Seems I have become a bit of a juice snob. I am so used to making my juice right before I drink it. This time I had to make it ahead and it was so bitter. I tried to add an extra pear to it but it was rough to drink.

8 oz Orange Strawberry
2 oranges, 4 oz strawberry
This was like a little slice of heaven. Oh my gosh I loved it!

1 quart romaine, tomato, celery, onion, garlic, cilantro, hemp oil, kelp, turmeric, cayenne

Starting 173.5
Today No scale on vacation

8 hours

5 minutes (I jumped while my kids were eating their breakfast)
Walking 80 minutes (our room was super duper far from the water parks so we had quite a long walk. I had to go back and forth many times to get my juicing in)

Felt fine and was surprised at how fast I walked and how I felt good. I was a bit tired by the end of the day and could hardly keep my eyes open.

Positive changes
Skin on body is nice
Pants getting loose

Tongue is coated and I now have sores on it. Looks a bit like geographic tongue I had during some of my pregnancies.
Face still looking ruddy with some pimples and a bit of a rash on forehead along hairline
Dry hands

Today was quite the emotional day for me. It occurred to me that a huge part of vacations for me is the food. When I go on a vacation it is my excuse to eat whatever I want and I enjoy going out to eat. Being on a juice feast takes that all away so I was feeling pretty bad. I was crabby when I had to leave the family to go make my juice and then I was wallowing in self pity when my family all went out for pizza without me. It was my decision because I couldn't bear the thought of watching them all eat but I still managed to feel sorry for myself.

Um, where to I begin? Everything I saw I wanted. French fries, pizza, sandwiches, pretzels, dried fruit, carrots, tomatoes, bagels... the list goes on and on.

Trash Bag Tango


It was a hectic day that began first thing in the morning. I got up early to prepare all my juices and then I had to pack up. We wanted to leave by 8:00am so I had to hurry. We left about 20 minutes late but that was OK.

It was raining really hard and there was this thick fog like pea soup. It was slow driving but we managed. When we were about 30 minutes away from our destination, it started snowing really hard. The visibility was down to nothing and the snow was coming down faster than they could get it shoveled off. We slowed down and it ended up taking us an hour to travel that last 30 minutes. We didn't care, we were just so glad to get there.

We got settled in and the kids couldn't wait to go swimming. I was in a bit of a mood that I was trying to snap out of. I managed to cheer up after getting some juice in me.

We ended up knowing some people there. They just happened to be vacationing at the same time as us. I was a bit freaked out at first because I HATE for people to see me in my swimsuit. I especially hate it if it is a male friend of my husband. I get this feeling like I don't make my husband proud and I should look better for him. I know this is completely my issue because he could care less. We even talked about it.

I was glad for the opportunity to deal with it from an open place. I have to say that I was still a bit uncomfortable but I was very proud of myself. Normally I would have refused to take my cover-up off so I would also refuse to go in the water or have any fun. I decided to hell with it, I will just do it. I went down the water slide with my hubby and 2 little guys and it was fun. We also hung out in the hot tub and the hubby and I had a nice chat.

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