Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Day 65

Photo by Beautiful Cataya on Flickr

Juices in order of consumption
1 quart spinach, celery, orange, coconut oil, cholorella
1 quart romaine, celery, apple, kiwi
1 quart romaine, tomato, cilantro, celery, lime, spirulina
1 quart romaine, celery, mango, pineapple

Starting 173.5
Today ??

6 hours

Chanca Piedra
B5 morning and evening
Enzymes with each juice
Parasite cleanse

None - I jumped up from my computer and said to my husband, "I am going to go to Pilates class tonight at 7:00." As I finished the sentence I looked at the clock and it was 6:57. Ugh. No time. I have to be better about making it a priority because I really did want to go.

Headache on and off today. I am also having a lot of mucus and I got a big fat pimple on my eyebrow. Ouch. I had 2 bowel movements today and I still feel constipated.

Positive changes
Skin smooth
lost weight

Coated tongue
Mucus in throat

I had a busy day today and I felt good emotionally. I am thinking I may be a bit disconnected which goes along with my ego fixation. On the enneagram I am a core 8 fixation but I have been living as a 9. The 9s are known as the peacemakers. On the unhealthy side they tend to shut down their emotions both good and bad and they can be sleepy and a bit lazy. I actually napped today so I am thinking my 9 fixation may be rearing its head. (Not all napping has something to do with ego fixations. This is simply my personal observation of things going on in my life right now.)

None - I smelled my son's burrito tonight because I was hungry but I didn't really want to eat it.



I am amazed that I managed to get 4 quarts in today. The thing is that I was pretty hungry today, more so than usual. I am actually still hungry at midnight which is weird. I realize I may need to drink some water but I won't do it this late at night.
Things are moving along smoothly in my life at the current moment. There are several things that are falling into place nicely and it is seeming rather effortless (ha ha, that was yesterday's meditation). It is so wonderful when things like this happen.
The photo above is the Cloud Gate in Millennium Park here in Chicago. It was created to reflect the clouds in the skyline. A lot of people like to call it the big bean which I think sounds dumb. I think it is just beautiful in an odd way. I love the smooth shape, and the way it reflects its surroundings.
I don't actually spend much time in the city of Chicago. I live about 45-60 minutes outside of the city and I just don't have much reason to go there. I don't enjoy the crazy driving and parking is a joke. It seems that once I get down there I enjoy it so I should just block out time on my calendar (only when it is warm) and make myself go. My kids hardly ever go down there and it would be good for them to experience it.
I am setting the intention that when I finish this post and I go up to bed and drift off to sleep I will remember a dream. I haven't been remembering much and I want to. Let's see if it works.
Night night.


Hanlie said...

I'm so glad you told us what that was, because I was going to ask! It's beautiful! I love it!

You sound great! I enjoyed your post about Eckhart too! There's a lot to think about!

Have a great day!


Carrie Cegelis said...

hello miss strawberry!
i have just been transported back in my memory to picking the tiny wild strawberries that used to grow in our back fields in maine in the summertime....i would happily become a strawberry in those moments! and a raspberry in the next, and then a sweet pea, and then a carrot....
i will be back posting again soon - i was on vacation and off computers! a wonderful break. thank you for your delightful gift! you are a sweet one, milky way.